Groupon's rise to success has, in great part, hinged on fresh, clever writing, and steering clear of old adages, clichés, and even pop culture references. In an article by The New York Times, one staff member underscores their focus on fresh, original perpectives:
" 'People have grown numb to the elements of advertising that pander to their fears and hopes, that insult their intelligence with safe, bland approaches at creativity,' says Mr. With, who at nights and on weekends is lead singer in the band Volcano. 'We’re mixing business with art and creating our own voice.' ” *
Mr. With's sentiment could easily have come from the design community, where, like all creative fields, the aim is often to evoke surprise, response or reaction from the audience, while this is often challenged by tactical restraints defined by marketers and other areas of business. It is worthy to note that Groupon's success comes in part from dodging the safer, tested routes of communication that design clients often think they prefer; Groupon's success and commitment to originality underscores that design clients who are willing to commit to original voices, in both the written and the visual, are arguably more likely to create a stronger brand presence.
* Excerpt from The New York Times article about Groupon and the role of clever writing in the company.